Study of properties of the blends of reclaimed butyl rubber with non-polar unsaturated rubber 再生丁基橡胶与非极性不饱和橡胶共混物的性能研究
Effect of polar regulators on microstructure of butadiene-isoprene rubber prepared by n-BuLi initiated solution polymerization 结构调节剂对锂系溶聚丁戊橡胶微观结构的影响
Chloroprene rubber is a polar polymer materials, which mainly used in the manufacture of industrial rubber products, such as wire and cable sheathing, oil hose, offset, conveyor belts, conveyor belts and a variety of tape and footwear binder. 氯丁橡胶是一类极性高分子材料,主要用于制造工业橡胶制品,如电线电缆护套、耐油胶管胶版、运输带、传送带以及各类胶布和鞋类粘结剂等。
Ethanol which had the strongest polar force corroded nitrile rubber most. 乙醇的极性最强,对丁腈橡胶的腐蚀最为强烈,提出了燃料分子的极性力是造成含氧燃料腐蚀柴油机燃油橡胶管的观点。